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Lars Wenger

Hi, my name is Lars, the manager of the Aquilo Rocket Team!


I am a Aeronautical Engineering student from Switzerland. Thus far, I could not be happier with my study choice and deciding to study abroad.

Rocketry and management have been key interests of mine for a long time now. Therefore, I am extremely happy with my position. As manager my goal is to propel our team forward with great organization and make sure we reach our goal of winning the 2026 European Rocketry Challenge in the S3000 category.

Manager of the AQUILO Rocket Team

The manager of AQUILO is responsible for steering all different departments in the right direction, keeping contact with external organizations and the financial side. Having regular meetings with the different department heads is essential for good communication between the members within the team and achieving the set goals. Sponsor and internships are a good example of keeping contact with other organizations and are not uncommon for the manager. This consists of setting up contracts and providing the interns with their needs so they can complete their goals. Besides this, the manager also has his feet in all the departments and will help wherever needed. Capable of layering carbon fibre with the structural department, designing a new motor with the propulsion department and writing code with the electronics department. 
The manager is an all-rounder within the team. Busy all the time making sure that everyone gets what they need on time and that hereby AQUILO will achieve it’s goals.


You can reach me either via email (general) or via phone (personal)

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